Consulting Services
List of Services
Offers training and consulting on a wide-range of topics including bystander intervention, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) assessment, unconscious bias, Title IX, and more.
Offers consulting on strategic planning (including assistance with development of strategic plans) and organization development and change.
Keynote speaker, panelist, and moderator.
Do you have an event where you are looking for a speaker to cover a full range of topics? Jennifer has 15 years of Higher Education and DEI experience. Jennifer also brings non-profit experience. Jennifer has served as a speaker for politicians, law firms, institutions of higher education, K-12, small businesses, and non-profit organizations. | Price upon complimentary consultation
Signature Workshops
Intentional Interventions: Moving from Bystander to Change Agent
This workshop will educate participants in practical skills for addressing various forms of injustice. In this 75-minute workshop, participants will harness the power of self-awareness, and explore the multifaceted factors that inhibit individuals from stepping forward as change agents by addressing bias, micro-aggressions, and systemic inequalities. The workshop cultivates a deeper understanding of how these issues erode organizational culture as attendees add to their toolkit ways to navigate complex interventions, employing empathy and authenticity as catalysts for change.
Timing and Pricing
This workshop can be done in 1 hour. The ideal length is 90 minutes. There is also a 3-hour workshop option that adds a case study and time to practice intervention techniques.
$700 for 1-hour workshop
Longer, customized workshops are available. The first hour is the Intentional Intervention session, followed by two hours of additional exercises for participants to engage with their peers and practice intervention techniques. Pricing available upon consultation.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) as a Tool to Achieve Organizational Priorities
This session will help participants consider ways to create a culture that values diversity using organization development and change models as the guide. With the use of tools such as scorecards and dashboards, the presenter will discuss driving strategic goals by demonstrating a deep commitment to building or reviving inclusive organizational cultures. This session is ideal for organizations creating or revising a DEI strategic plan.
Timing and Pricing
$500 for 1-hour session
Dimensions of Identity: Understanding Unconscious Bias
This session takes participants through the journey of self-exploration, asking and answering questions we rarely explore individually, let alone with others. Participants will leave this session better understanding bias and how unconscious bias can disrupt organizational success and create barriers. This session also provides an opportunity for participants to review examples and determine if they believe the scenarios are instances of bias. This discussion-based session will not leave participants overwhelmed or bored.
Timing and Pricing
This workshop can be split out based on the needs of the organization. A 30-minute workshop is just enough time to explore what unconscious bias means. The full workshop can be done in 1 hour, but the ideal length is 90 minutes.
$700 for 1-hour workshop
$1,000 for 90-minute workshop
Longer, customized workshops are available. Pricing available upon consultation.
Unconscious Doubt
This session centers around a term coined by Jennifer McCary – unconscious doubt. This session takes unconscious bias one step further to explore how bias can have a lasting impact on those on the receiving end. Anyone can experience unconscious doubt. Freeing oneself from that doubt can propel you into a new future. Participants will be encouraged to consider how others attitudes or behaviors influenced their choices.
Timing and Pricing
$500 for 1-hour session
Complimentary consultation to determine the training best for your organization.
Title IX Policies and Procedures
Title IX External Reviewer
External Investigations
Culture Assessment and Collaborative Change Methods
Diversity, Equity, Access, Inclusion, and Belonging Strategic Plans
Prices available following a complimentary consultation.